WWE Raw Results: Highlights, Analysis, and Grades for December 18
By Bryan Heaton
Photo Source: WWE.com via Twitter
Jason Jordan, Dean Ambrose, & Seth Rollins vs. Samoa Joe, Cesaro, & Sheamus
Result: Samoa Joe, Cesaro, & Sheamus defeated Jason Jordan, Dean Ambrose, & Seth Rollins via pinfall
Rating: 4.0 out of 5 stars
Something I didn’t notice in the Rollins/Jordan match earlier – no Shield gear tonight. It’s more noticeable here because Ambrose is out there in his usual jeans instead of the tactical pants. What, Roman Reigns takes a week off and The Shield is dead? At least Jordan didn’t come out in a bulletproof vest or whatever, that would have been weird.
The vast majority of this match was just Rollins getting destroyed. Keep in mind, Rollins and Jordan had competed earlier in the night in a very long match. So Seth being out there for the lion’s share of the match minutes is no small feat. However, from a performance standpoint it puts his team at a disadvantage.
Normally, you would think Rollins would be the perfect participant to take a hot tag. But contextually, it makes sense for him to tag out on the hot tag – sell the damage he’s taken over the course of the entire night while letting someone else do the dirty work. That tag, though, never came.
The finish was a little out of the blue. Jordan got tossed into the timekeeper’s area, incapacitating him. Rollins kept getting denied a chance to tag out, leading to him going for a suicide dive. That dive took out Ambrose, too, who apparently suffered an injury that required the ringside doctor. In the confusion, Sheamus hit Rollins with a vicious Brogue Kick, allowing Cesaro to pick up the three count.
I’m 99% sure that the Ambrose injury is a work, because that dude never gets hurt. But whatever the case, this match was definitely one of the better matches of the night. Rollins killed it for the second match in a row, even getting whupped for the majority of this one.
Photo Source: WWE.com via Twitter
An Unexpected Arrival
Hey, Stephanie McMahon is here! (how do I put the poop emoji in here?)