Impact Wrestling 5 Takeways: First Show of 2018

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3. Career vs Career as the America Top Team vs Impact Wrestling Rivalry Continues

Dan Lambert put his career on the line against the legendary career of James Storm.  Lambert won his debut match tagging with Lashley a few week ago.  The match is no holds bared and the lack of rules would be evident early.  Lambert told America Top Team not to join him ringside earlier tonight.

As soon as the match started, Alla Cabercero comes out to try and attack James Storm.  Storm initially fights off the attack but then the rest of America Top Team comes out to help.  The Cowboy is a fighter and continued to fought all of America Top Team in this match.  Surprisingly, KM who has been trying to prove his loyalty to ATT, hits James Storm over the head with a beer bottle.  Even this attack can’t keep Storm down but two simultaneous shots with beer bottles would put James Storm away.

I am indifferent about the way this went down.  It almost came off as a mockery of all that Storm has done.  The first time he left Impact, he left after an amazing pay-per-view match with Magnus.  This time to get beat by Dan Lambert and not even Lashley or someone who needed to be put over simply didn’t make sense.  Fans will be tuned in to see how the story line progresses or if it progresses at all.