WWE Raw 5 Biggest Stars: Braun Strowman Takes Out The Competition

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3. Braun Strowman

Where do I even begin with Strowman? He is one of the most completely built up monsters in recent times. Strowman is a realistic portrayal of a monster with a genuine inhuman aura around him. However, what separates him from the rest of the pack is the amount of character development he has shown. Compare the Strowman we saw when Kurt Angle paired him with Alexa Bliss to the Strowman we saw last night.

He has come a long way and is one of the best things about WWE Raw. In the past, Strowman has broken the ring and a steel cage. He has done things other monsters in the WWE couldn’t even dream of. We saw Strowman flip an ambulance for the love of God. Weeks later, we saw him walkout from a crashed ambulance like a mad titan. This week though, Strowman outdid everything he had done to this point.

After taking out both Kane and Lesnar and throwing Lesnar around like a rag doll, Strowman used a grappling hook to pull a part of the backstage set down on to his Royal Rumble opponents. It was a sight to see and felt like a scene from a superhero movie. Strowman looked like a world beater and almost seems like a legit contender for Lesnar’s title ahead of WrestleMania. Let’s just hope this fan-made poster becomes a reality somehow.