Impact Wrestling 5 Takeaways: KM Joins American Top Team

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5. EC3 vs Matt Sydal Feud Continues to Get Revved Up

Ethan Carter III held an open challenge tonight that was accepted by Petey Williams.  Before anyone could accept, EC3 talked about how he’s beaten everyone that stands in his way.  More specificially, he mentioned how Matt Sydal has come up short in his biggest matches.  Sydal last week stated his claim for a normal match for the Impact Grand Championship.

Matt Sydal attacked EC3 during his match with Petey Williams.  He has been trying to send a message to the Grand Champion.  Carter continues to call him out and tonight, Sydal enacted a little revenge.  The attack sent EC3 retreating as Sydal got the last word against the champion.

After the match, Sydal was interviewed about his involvement.  Sydal reiterated that he wants a normal singles match for the Impact Grand Champion.  He hopes that this won’t allow Ethan Carter to cut corners and retain his championship. After tonight’s attack, something has to give from EC3’s end on giving Sydal one more chance.