WWE Royal Rumble 2018: 5 Possible Men’s Rumble ‘Swerves’

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Credit: WWE.com

#3. Daniel Bryan does return!

I know I’m bordering on fantasy booking territory here, but please stick with. Imagine a scenario where everyone expects Daniel Bryan to be in the Rumble match, but the above Dolph Ziggler situation happens and everyone assumes that Bryan will no longer be in the match because Ziggler pretended to be him.

Then imagine if Ziggler does that at number 29, leaving one spot left in the Rumble. Everyone will have already written it off because it obviously won’t be Daniel Bryan. But then it is Daniel Bryan and he enters the match shocking everyone in the process.

This is seeming less and less likely as the Rumble approaches with several prominent wrestling sites still reporting that Bryan isn’t cleared to compete. The betting odds that had him as third favourite which sparked the rumors of his participation in the first place have also plummeted since.

There is still hope though Bryan fans as the Wrestling Observer Newsletter recently discussed speculation that Bryan could enter the match and win it without taking a bump. Although this does seem unlikely and pointless.

I’ll also be honest at say that at this point, anything Daniel Bryan does at the Rumble will be a swerve to someone.