Impact Wrestling 5 Takeaways: Austin Aries Returns to Impact

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Fallah Bahh Staying in the Running for the Grand Championship.

Last week, Matt Sydal finally defeated Ethan Carter III to become the new Grand Champion.  It was mentioned that Sydal would discuss some new rules that he has proposed for the championship matches.  Sydal reveals that the Grand Championship will no longer be determined by judges but instead the match will be decided by pinfall or submission.

Bahh starts off with mind games against Matt Sydal as he uses his power advantage early.  It almost seems as if Sydal is the heel in this contest which is odd for him.  Sydal tried to cut down the tries but it’s the strikes of Bahh that have more of an affect.  Somehow, Sydal is able to use a hurricanrana on his massive opponent.  Sydal then turns his attention to the legs of Fallah Bahh in his first title defense.  It has been Fallah Bahh who has had the early advantage.

Sydal uses his feet to perfection as he regains control in this match.  The champions goes to the well to often and Bahh delivers a vicious crossbody.  Bahh has done his homework as he catches Sydal in mid high risk move.  Fallah Bahh tried to end it from the second but the defense of Sydal took Bahh to the outside of the ring.  Matt Sydal tries a sunset flip powerbomb and it almost costs him but he is able to win this match.  Sydal retains the Grand Championship with his Shooting Star Press.