Just like in any form of entertainment, there are heroes and villains. In WWE, they call them “faces” and “heels”. Here are current roster heels and their horror villain counterparts.
Truth be told, WWE and all of its divisions are not just a showcase for athletes. Week after week, fans tune in to WWE’s main shows Raw and SmackDown for the entertainment value. What makes a fight more interesting than a gripping story line to proceed it?
WWE, the smart and savvy company it is, caught on to the need of plots pretty quickly. They didn’t want to just show two wrestlers fighting, they told the fans why they’re fighting. Maybe it’s over a lover, or one of them betrayed the other, or maybe it’s just ego, but there was always a reason for the action.
When any battle story is presented, naturally, there will be a split in characters ethically and morally. Good vs. evil, protagonist vs. antagonist, hero vs. villain, or in this case, face vs. heel. There’ s always someone fighting for the good of the viewer, who stands for what is generally accepted as right, and their evil counterpart.
Let’s face it. Being good, fighting for good…that’s all good. The villain in any story, though, gets all the fun. They’re usually clever, funny, manipulative, rebellious, free thinking, scheming, and sometimes, they win. There’s a whole audience out there who loves to see the bad guy win.
Those who love to see the bad guys win also tend to love horror movie villains just as much, and really, what better comparison than a heel to a villain? Here are current roster heels and their horror counterparts. Because, all monsters are human.