WWE: Matching Current Roster Heels to Horror Villain Counterparts
Credit: WWE.com
Sami Zayn/Freddy Krueger
Okay, so Frederic Charles Krueger, or Freddy, did some terrible stuff this side of the dreamscape. He was a child murderer who took his young victims to a boiler room, where he had sick and twisted ideas of fun.
An angry mob of parents cornered him in said room, and torched the place with him in it. His soul transferred into a dream-demon, where he can kill his victims in their sleep. He’s easily one of the most iconic villains ever to be created, with his knife fingers, burnt skin, and oddly placed fedora.
Someone equally as oddly placed, is Sami Zayn. One look at him and you’ll be confused as to why anyone would believe him to be a top star. For awhile, it didn’t seem he would be, but he got over that hump, and is ruining dreams to this day.
In my book, Krueger is the most likable villain. He uses his humor and terrific killing-related puns to off annoying teenagers. Zayn, too, is hilarious, and is often entertaining while getting rid of faces we would rather not watch.
Zayn, like Krueger, is most diabolical when paired with another villain, like Kevin Owens or Jason Voorhees. Given the right circumstances, though, Zayn is perfectly evil on his own.