WWE: Matching Current Roster Heels to Horror Villain Counterparts

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Credit: WWE.com


Scream introduced a hooded and masked serial killer that was elusive, quick, funny, intelligent, and seem to be aware of all the soft spots: Ghostface.

While the people behind the mask differed from installment to installment, the idea was always the same: it was someone close to you, with a vendetta in need of settling, that really wanted to murder you.

Who is funnier, quicker, more athletic, smarter and stronger than Cesaro? He has a shark’s grin, for being so toothless, and his smiling eyes will make you believe you’re safe. Cesaro moves from face to heel with such ease, you’ll never believe he was a bad guy to begin with. That’s how they get you, though.

Ghostface proved to be some of the character’s closest allies: the boyfriend, the college bud, the harmless reporter, the cousin. In the end, though, it was those closest to Sidney that caused her so much pain.

Much like the antagonists in the first installment, Cesaro is currently part of the team The Bar. How long, though, before Cesaro is stabbing his partner in the back? Don’t get to close to him, you’ll never see him coming.