It’s been a dream feud since Matt Hardy introduced us to his Broken Brilliance. It’s hight time for WWE to make it awesome.
Less than a year ago, Matt and Jeff Hardy left Impact Wrestling when negotiations for a new contract broke down. It was a significant moment for all involved because Matt was in the midst of a career renaissance with his “Broken Matt Hardy” character. What began as a simple heel turn became the hottest idea in wrestling, as Hardy created endearingly incongruous segments and bizarre matches that were one part prodigious and one part cheesy, using both television and the Internet to build a world that, despite its utter ridiculousness, came together in enchantingly absurd ways.
When the Hardys made their shocking return to WWE at WrestleMania last year, fans were salivating like Niagara Falls at a pretzel eating contest. Having the Broken Universe part of the WWE Universe ignited imaginations. With WWE’s production value at his fingertips, there were seemingly endless possibilities as to what Broken (Woken) Matt could pull off.
People were already thinking about a Broken Matt dream match with Bray Wyatt. Hooking him up against WWE’s resident oddball was a natural fit, with the buildup to their actual fight being the main selling point.
Legal wrangling kept Matt from fully using the gimmick, but now everything seems settled as it appears Matt Hardy has reclaimed all the rights to the Broken Universe. The stage is set. Matt and Bray have fired shots. They’ve even fought. The Great War, the clash of Universes is on!
So why aren’t we any more excited? We’ve been waiting for this meeting of megalomanic mega-powers for so long, why isn’t it captivating our consciousnesses as it had been foretold? In other words: this feud should be golden but it feels like pewter.
Gentle reader, I posit that WWE has been missing the mark with what makes the Broken Matt character special. I even submit unto you that what makes Wyatt such a perfect nemesis is off the mark as well.
Since I am a guy who is always full of spot-on and shockingly methodical answers, I would say there are three things WWE needs to start doing right now to make sure the Hardy/Wyatt feud doesn’t fail and ensure the Woken Universe can have a long and boisterous existence within Vince McMahon’s House of Hefty Humans.