WWE: Bold Predictions; What’s In Store for Seth Rollins?

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Fatal Four Ways are SOOOOOOO 2017…

Over on SmackDown Live, the chaos surrounding AJ Styles and the WWE Championship is reaching new heights. Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn have both had opportunities to win the title, but something literally always happens to foil their efforts. The latest: Styles interfered in a match between the two that was meant to determine the challenger for the title at Fastlane.

Daniel Bryan – possibly in cahoots with Owens and Zayn – decided to make a triple threat match instead. But Shane McMahon refuses to be upstaged, and decided to book Baron Corbin against a returning Dolph Ziggler this week – with the winner being added to the Fastlane match for a fatal four way. Please disregard the fact that Owens, Zayn, Corbin, and Ziggler are nowhere to be found on the SmackDown Top 10 List – you know, the one that’s supposed to help determine title matches and stuff.

This one may not be so much a bold prediction as some of my others, but that’s what happens when you toss your lousy crystal ball and read the tea leaves. Neither Corbin nor Ziggler will win this week – but neither will lose. This will result in the Fastlane main event being a fatal five way – as was actually advertised a few months back, albeit with different participants.

Maybe as Ziggler is about to cement his place in the match, KO and Sami interfere. The Yep Movement could attack both Ziggler and Corbin, throwing the match out. Going the five way route makes the odds seem more insurmountable for Styles, but there’s no way he doesn’t go into WrestleMania as champion. Not since they’ve already started the build to the match between Styles and Shinsuke Nakamura.