WWE Elimination Chamber 2018: 5 Mistakes WWE Made

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Photo Source: WWE.com

4) Ronda Rousey’s Scripted Promo

The very thing that I was worried about when I saw that WWE signed Ronda Rousey was that they would attempt to script her promos. Part of Ronda’s appeal, beyond her clear fighting ability, is in how she trash talked her opponents as well. She was a good promo in the UFC, so to speak. Not a bit of it was scripted, and she drew major money. Instead, they gave us a happy/talking Ronda, which hurts her character. She needs to be herself – an absolute destroyer. If they are going to script her, she’s better of being silent.

Thankfully the segment had a major turn around by the end with Ronda getting angry and putting Triple H through a table.

There are other potential issues coming out of this, but this was a significant improvement. I just hope in the coming weeks they don’t have missteps like this one, and have Ronda cut promos with the ridiculous WWE speak (Universe, Superstars, Championship Opportunities, etc.).

That very thing will strip her of being special, and Ronda should be special. She’s a star and should be treated as such by the booking. She doesn’t need to be the same as Brock, but taking a page from his book and having someone like Paul Heyman talk for her would sell her as the star she is.