WWE Raw: Biggest Losers; Brock Lesnar No-Shows, Looks Like Chump

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Photo Source: WWE.com

On WWE Raw this week, a handful of superstars had a rough night. Who needs to find a way to bounce back?

As much as we’d all like to think everything is sunshine, roses, and kittens, sometimes people hit a rough patch. It’s no different for WWE superstars. Sometimes, they’re just in a funk. After WWE Raw this week, there’s a few superstars who fall into this category.

This isn’t to say there’s no hope for these particular superstars to come back to the promised land. It’s WWE – things can change in a heartbeat. But at the present, here are three Raw superstars who are in need of a big boost in the coming weeks.

Brock Lesnar

We might as well get this one out of the way right off the bat. See, I actually don’t mind talking about the elephant in the room. Or, I guess, the elephant not in the room.

As has been well documented by now, Brock Lesnar was a no-show this week on Raw. This, despite being advertised ahead of time as appearing. Instead of the promised face-to-face confrontation between Lesnar and Roman Reigns – Brock’s WrestleMania opponent – The Big Dog cut into Lesnar with a fiery promo.

Despite Lesnar’s absence giving us the best Reigns monologue in his career, it still makes Brock look like a chump. What was the purpose of advertising the rare and elusive Lesnar appearance if he wasn’t going to show up? It’s WrestleMania season, and the Universal Champion should start appearing once in a while.

Of course, I’m working on the assumption that this whole thing is a work – Lesnar was never really scheduled to appear, and this was all a ploy to give Reigns a good talking point. Brock should show up on Raw next week, tell Roman to SAY THAT TO MY FACE PUNK, and everything’s back on track. Or, Lesnar – through Paul Heyman – can explain that Reigns isn’t worth his concern.

If this was a legit no-show – which I think is highly unlikely, though not out of the question – then Brock looks like even more of a loser. One of the toughest superstars in recent WWE history bails on an opponent he’s already beaten? Why not show up just to give him a piece of your mind?