WWE Raw: Biggest Losers; Brock Lesnar No-Shows, Looks Like Chump

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Photo Source: WWE.com via Twitter

Kurt Angle

Kurt’s had a few of these kinds of nights in his tenure as GM. He hasn’t really had many really bad nights lately, but it’s definitely been an issue for the Olympic hero. This week, it’s two very separate incidents that land Angle his dubious spot.

First, Angle’s treatment of The Miz is borderline criminal. Sure, The A-Lister is a heel – and a cowardly one, at that – but Angle’s doing him dirty, man. Refusing to let Miz know who his WrestleMania opponent is? How is this not a huge scandal? Former GM Mick Foley at least tried to be up front with the superstars. But Angle playing coy? Not cool.

Then he forces Miz into not one, but two matches the night after the Elimination Chamber. Miz’s opponents? Seth Rollins and Finn Balor. You know, two of the hottest acts going.

Worse than that is the second reason for Angle’s inclusion – his rambling, sometimes incoherent “apology” for “lying” to “Ronda Rousey” so he could make “Triple H” and “Stephanie McMahon” “look better.” It’s doesn’t really make sense, since the initial “lie” was Angle’s likely payback for what happened at Survivor Series.

Instead, Angle looks like a goober who wants his job very badly, so he’ll grovel for it. And for his troubles, he got punched in the face. Because that’s a fair tradeoff.