ROH Wrestling Manhattan Mayhem 2018 Results, Grades, And Analysis

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Silas Young, The Beer City Bruiser, & Brian Milonas vs. Chuck Taylor, Cheeseburger, & Kenny King

The Best Friend’s won the fan vote, but Trent is injured, so Cheeseburger is filling in for him. Mr. Beer and the gang spend time getting the heat on Cheeseburger in this fun tag match. This was the perfect cooldown match after how intense Cody vs. Flip was. Everything was just enough to keep you engaged without burning you out. Silas and Kenny King are great.

Burger gets the hot tag to King who runs wild. King and Silas exchange a series of fast paced spots to the delight of the crowd. Silas doesn’t look like a guy who would work a fast paced style. However, looks can be deceiving. Slias bounces all over the ring with King for a few minutes. Taylor makes it in, and Silas tags out to Mr. Beer. Chuck dives over the top rope onto Milonas and Mr. Beer.

Cheeseburger is left in the ring with Milonas and Mr. Beer. Milonas hits a superplex on Cheeseburger while Beer hits a frog splash, getting the pinfall over Cheeseburger.

Result: Silas Young, The Beer City Bruiser, & Brian Milonas

Rating: 2.25 out of 5 stars.

Solid tag. Bruiser and Milonas are a good tag team. It looks like the ROH TV champion, Kenny King will still have to deal with Silas Young for a while yet.

Dalton Castle (w/ The Boys) & Volador Jr. vs. Jay Lethal & Ultimo Guerrero

Ultimo Guerrero goes right after Castle, and this match is quite heated from the start. Castle and Lethal keep the Code of Honor, but Volador and Guerrero do not. Castle and Lethal open the match with some good chain wrestling, something that we haven’t seen much of in the early portions of this show.

Guerrero gets some major heat by attacking The Boys as they fan Volador Jr. Dalton goes crazy. Ultimo Guerrero and Volador Jr. start some really fun lucha, and the crowd appreciates it as the pace of the match picks up. Guerrero is getting older, but is still an awesome worker, and Volador Jr. is one of the best luchadors in the world.

Ultimo Guerrero keeps forgetting the rules of American tag team matches, and consequently is sent flying to the outside by Volador Jr. Volador then keeps the advantage, attacking Lethal for several near falls. Ultimo Guerrero sends Dalton Castle crashing to the floor. Volador Jr. goes for a tope con hilo, but Guerrero catches him and hits a powerbomb on the outside! Lethal does a massive dive and takes out Dalton and The Boys.

Back in the ring, Volador absolutely kills Guerrero with a superkick, but Guerrero hits the Guerrero Special. Castle hits a stalling deadlift German Suplex on Guerrero. Lethal sends Volador crashing into the front row. Lethal and Dalton exchange a series of moves, before Lethal floors him and goes for a Lethal Injection. Volador blocks, hit a superkick, and everyone ends up down. Volador and Guerrero battle on the top rope, and it ends with Volador Jr. hitting a huge hurricanrana off the top rope, finishing Guerrero.

Result: Dalton Castle & Volador Jr.

Rating: 3.75 out of 5 stars.

This was a great match. It starts a little slow, but picks up quickly. Ultimo Guerrero is awesome, and Volador Jr. is a master of getting the crowd into the match. ROH and CMLL has been a beneficial partnership for ROH, as it creates many interesting matches like this one. Dalton looked great as he starts to grow into his role as ROH World Champion.

After the match, Ultimo Guerrero tries to steal the ROH World Title, but Lethal steals it from Castle. Lethal then cautiously hands it back. He wants his title back. In six days, at the ROH 16th Anniversary Show, we will find out if he can.