WWE Raw: Is It Possible That Finn Bálor Is OVERrated?


Finn Bálor seems to always imply that he is OVER in WWE, but is he actually just OVERrated?

Finn Bálor managed to build quite the name and reputation for himself in the wrestling world, and in the process of tearing up Japan as the leader of Bullet Club and carrying NXT into the New Era, Finn has built up a tremendous fanbase.

Because of this, WWE put all of their marbles in the Bálor Basket when it came time for the brand split. Bálor was drafted in the first round by Raw, defeated Roman in his first singles match, and went on to beat Rollins at SummerSlam to become the first ever Universal Champions.

Fans were excited to get behind Finn Bálor as champion because he was a breath of fresh air and something new in the main event scene, but what if his little main roster exposure was the only reason why his world title win was a success?

The day after becoming Universal Champion, Bálor had to relinquish the title due to injury. Many thought that Finn would have been reinserted into the Universal Title picture upon his return, but that wasn’t the case. Finn supporters would argue that he was getting shafted by the creative team with this booking, but did Finn Bálor really deserve to be in the main event spotlight?

Perhaps he did deserve his rematch, or maybe The Miz’s words towards Finn Bálor on the last episode of Raw rang a little bit of truth. Miz claimed that Finn has done nothing since his return yet says he is over due to his Club hand sign, which may have worked in Japan or NXT, but won’t work on the main roster.

When you think about it, The Miz is right. Finn was able to ride the momentum of his faction and impressive in ring skills when he wrestled in front of die hard wrestling fans in NXT and NJPW. However, on the main roster, entertainment is just as (if not more) important than wrestling.

Making it on the main roster is all about making moments, and quite frankly, Finn has yet to make any. Whether it’s with his gimmick, mic work, or even his matches, Finn Bálor has been nothing but forgettable since his return.

His gimmick at the moment seems very bland and without depth. Of course he has the Demon character, but if it can only be pulled out for special occasions, Finn needs to work on his primary ego that he will be presenting most of the time. Perhaps a heel turn with his Bálor Club will unleash some more personality.

His mic work has been incredibly bland, as well. If you take a look at The Miz, Seth Rollins, and even Roman Reigns, they are able to get fans riled up in unforgettable and impressive promos on regular episodes of Raw. Meanwhile, Finn had created little impact on fans with his promos towards Bray and even stumbled over his promos when he had air time on the mic following his return.

Also, despite being a great worker in the ring, Finn has failed to have any memorable matches since returning. Well, his AJ Styles match was a great watch, but once again, Finn relied on that one hand sign and his past with NJPW to make the match special. And recently, he seems to be getting outshined by Seth Rollins in their friendly game of one-upmanship, but that could just be a part of the storyline.

Credit: WWE.com

Basically, what I am trying to get at here is that Finn Bálor can not just continue to coast on the wave of momentum from NXT and Japan if he wants to have a long run atop the WWE mountain because it will eventually run its course.

So, let’s turn this bland babyface Bálor into a character that the WWE Universe can really get invested in. I think WrestleMania is the time to officially turn Finn OVER to the dark side by turning heel with Bálor Club and wreaking some havoc. Then, I think Finn will be on the right path to success on the main roster.

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As for right now, I’m taking a stand saying that the Bálor hype is undeserved (according to his work on Raw so far), so I am going to say that Finn is not underutilized. In fact, he is OVERrated.