Impact Wrestling 5 Takeaways: Cross Roads

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Ishimori and Sydal’s Title for Title Match Looks to Become Match of the Year

The third eye and spiritual adviser of Matt Sydal takes on the wrestling acumen of Taiji Ishimori.  It is winner take all for both the Grand Championship and the X-Division Championship.  The start is very technical but the pace would quicken in the favor of Matt Sydal but on for a moment.  That moment of speed goes back to technical as Sydal looks to take the legs out from under X-Division Champion, Ishimori.

If the ankle is injured, it’s difficult for Ishimori to mount his offense.  Ishimori takes control for only a short while but Sydal goes back to the left leg.  The adrenaline starts pumping off as Ishimori seems like his leg isn’t in too much pain.  A kick to the mouth earlier in the mouth continues to hinder the Grand Champion.  Another match that moved back and forth but that has been most of Ishimori’s matches as X-Division Champion.

Sonjay Dutt mentioned Sydal’s third eye on commentary as a chance for him to win this match.  The two traded strikes late in the match but it was the heavy hitting ability of Sydal that almost puts this one away.  Ishimori fights outs and he tried to end it with his signature 450 splash.  The third eye seemed to be the knees of Sydal that saved him as he becomes a double champion with the Shooting Star Press. Matt Sydal is now Impact Grand and X-Division Champions. This was an amazing match featured two of the best wrestlers in the world.  This title for title match was everything that X-Division is expected to be.