PROGRESS Chapter 64 Review: Thunderbastards Are Go!

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​Zack Sabre Jr. def. Jonah Rock (16:17): ****

I’ve come to the conclusion that Zack Sabre Jr. is incapable of having a bad match anymore. Jonah Rock goes about 300 pounds, and he used his distinct size advantage to his strength early on. However, Sabre Jr. would chip away at Rock’s legs continually, initially angering the giant.

Even as The King of the Monsters would continue to chop down Zack after every little sequence of kicks or submissions, Sabre Jr. stuck to his game plan, willingly putting himself through abnormal amounts of pain in order to chop down the giant sequoia that is Jonah Rock. Rock appeared to have the advantage nearing the end following a massive blow to the head of Zack. However, Rock made the mistake many big men do. He played to the crowd and got burned, going for a top rope moonsault, crashing and burning as Sabre Jr. moved out of the way. From there, it was all Zack. He would lock in a rolling heel hook following a Rock clothesline, wrenching it deeper until the big Australian tapped.

A tremendous debut from Jonah Rock here. There’s no doubt in my mind that he will be back in PROGRESS soon. However, the story here is the man he faced. Zack Sabre Jr. has become one of the most dominating wrestlers in the world. Not because he’s bigger, not because he’s stronger, not because he’s faster or more athletic. He dominates simply because he’s better. He will allow himself to take a beating if it means that he has that one chance to lock in a submission on the body part he’d worked over all match long, and no matter how in control the opponent looks much like Rock was here, Sabre Jr. always has the advantage.