WWE: The 5 Best Matches In Fastlane History

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3. Kevin Owens (c) vs. Dolph Ziggler at Fastlane 2016

Kevin Owens put his Intercontinental title on the line against Dolph Ziggler at Fastlane 2016. For much of the latter part of 2015 and the beginning of 2016, Owens and Ziggler were engaged in a heated rivalry. The two traded blows and victories in multiple matches. Owens would win his second IC title by defeating four other opponents in a fatal five-way match prior to Fastlane 2016. Their ongoing rivalry ensured that Ziggler would challenge Owens for the title at the PPV.

These two men are incapable of having a bad match. They have two different styles and generally portray two different extremes in terms of in-ring psychology. This potentially enables them to create something special every time they are in the ring. Owens played the role of a relentless predator throughout the match. Ziggler though, played the role of the sympathetic but resilient babyface to perfection.

Much like most of his career, Ziggler ultimately suffered defeat at the hands of the champion. The Show Off would accidentally super-kick the referee and in the chaos that ensued, an opportunistic Kevin Owens would hit him with the Pop-up Power bomb to finish off his challenger. This match made the IC title look like a million bucks.

Trust me, before the Miz came along and started doing it week in and week out, it was certainly a difficult task to accomplish.