The 5 best WWE themes that you probably forgot about

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4. Real Man- Steve Regal

Do you want to feel manly? Do you want to feel a sense of accomplishment for the most pedestrian of accomplishments? Well have I got a song for you. Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you William Regal’s original WWE theme, “Real Man’s Man”.

I think a lot of people forget about Regal’s original run in the WWE. It’s hard to blame anyone for forgetting such a goofy gimmick in an era that was dominated by Stone Cold and The Rock. It’s also hard to keep track of goofy gimmicks in an era that featured Beaver Cleavage.

Regal only had this gimmick for a year because he was soon sent to rehab by the WWE. But this song has lived on forever in the Payton home. I will listen to this song after I do anything. I’ll sweep the floors or wash the dishes and immediately put on Man’s Man to show that I did something. Therefore I am a Man’s Man.

Guys. If you really want to annoy your wife or girlfriend, throw on a man’s man and walk around the house like an ignorant jerk, and you will achieve this goal.