WWE WrestleMania 34: 3 Possible Opponents For Rusev

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Rusev Day is in full force as Rusev is one of WWE’s most over Superstars, but will the Bulgarian Brute get a match at WrestleMania 34?

Rusev has always been an effective Superstar on the WWE roster as high tier heel, but Rusev managed to hit new levels of popularity with the WWE Universe ever since teaming with Aiden English.

Together, the duo was able to coin the phrase “Happy Rusev Day” which resulted in the best merch sales for the company and chants coming at almost all SmackDown Live, Raw, and PPV events. The chant even made its way to a Ring of Honor show!

While some fans seem to think Rusev is only over because of the chant, I disagree. Rusev has innate charisma and an infectious personality that he has shown before on Total Divas and social media, and now he gets to progressively display more and more of his personality with this new gimmick.

Regardless of Rusev’s newfound popularity, WWE is still using Rusev scarcely on SmackDown Live and is still being booked as a heel. However, Rusev has gotten the chance to climb up the card lately with a United States Championship opportunity, a PPV match with Shinsuke, and a match against the WWE Champion on SmackDown Live.

Despite his popularity and prominent spot on SmackDown Live, Rusev has no direction heading into WrestleMania, and many fans (myself included) fear that he may be stuck in the Andre The Giant Memorial Battle Royal.

Well, it seems Rusev has that same fear, as he has taken to Twitter to try to find a celebrity opponent for WrestleMania. A few celebrities responded, and WWE even acknowledged Rusev’s efforts.

So, if Rusev does get a match at WrestleMania 34, who are some possible opponents for Rusev from Rusev Day?