WWE WrestleMania 34: 3 Possible Opponents For Rusev

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Credit: WWE.com

2. Randy Orton (and others)

Right now, the United States Championship feud does not involve Rusev, so it makes no sense for him to face Randy Orton for the belt at WrestleMania. the match that is unfolding for WrestleMania 34 looks to be a triple threat match between Randy, Bobby Roode, and Jinder Mahal for the United States Championship.

While that feud is fine as is, that is all that it is – fine. It seems like a very forgettable feud that could find itself on the pre show once it’s time for WrestleMania. In order to prevent this from happening, the triple threat match could transform into a multiman ladder match that WWE loves to display at WrestleMania.

This kind of stipulation would allow more of SmackDown‘s top Superstars like Rusev to get on the main card, give more unpredictability to the outcome of the match, and it would add much more excitement compared to the slow and methodical paces of Orton, Roode, and Mahal.

There are plenty of options on the roster to turn this three man match into a six, seven or even eight man ladder match. There are top talents like Rusev, Baron Corbin and Dolph Ziggler, and midcarders like Tye Dillinger, Mojo Rawley, and Zack Ryder all without a direction for WrestleMania that would be a perfect fit for this match.

Rusev may not get that singles match he was looking for, but inclusion in this match would revent him from suffering on the pre show or the Andre The Giant Memorial Battle Royal. Besides, Rusev has a legitimate gripe with each of the three men in this feud.

Rusev had that feud with Orton through SummerSlam that gave birth to Rusev day, fought Bobby Roode in a US Title match, and once teamed with the Modern Day Maharaja. So, as Rusev said on Twitter, he will fight you for this title, and it will happen at WrestleMania!