WWE WrestleMania 34: Why Finn Balor should win the IC Title

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IC Title matches at the top of the card?

Not too long ago, I suggested that WWE could place different titles in the main event slot now that all of their pay-per-views will be co-branded going forward. I thought that this idea would allow other stars a chance to headline shows without burning through big matches. Balor as Intercontinental Champion would be a good step in that direction.

Balor will likely spend 2018 feuding with top guys like Rollins and Samoa Joe–along with whoever moves over from SmackDown. If those matches are contested for the Intercontinental Championship, then it improves the standing of the title by virtue of top-level wrestlers pursuing it. This helps the title a lot more than Miz having a lower midcard feud with a fledging Jason Jordan. If WWE doesn’t feel confident in making Balor THE guy, they can position him as a solid complimentary star that can main event some PPV’s, or at least some episodes of RAW.

Of course, I could use these same points to argue Rollins’–the other person in the triple threat match–case to win the title. After all, “The Kingslayer” is riding a stronger wave of momentum thanks to his recent stellar performances. However, I believe that Balor needs the title more than Rollins at this point.

Even though he has a fairly high profile match at the biggest WWE show of the year, Balor seems directionless. Even after WWE aligned him with Karl Anderson and Luke Gallows, Balor still feels like an interchangeable part of the WWE machine. Putting the Intercontinental Title on Balor would allow the former NXT Champion to focus on being an elite wrestler who participates in high stakes feuds. He wouldn’t need extra bells and whistles to make his matches more interesting (like, say, a Demon vs. Sister Abigail match). The title would be more than enough.