Impact Wrestling 5 Takeaways: Double Main Event

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Brian Cage Looks to Make His Name Against Lashley

Lashley steps into the ring with Brian Cage for the first time ever on Impact Wrestling.  This is set to be an interesting match stylistically.  Both men have tremendous athleticism but Cage could be the biggest test for Bobby Lashley.  Cage made sure to make his presence known after Cage inserted himself into Lashley’s match at Cross Roads.

It started out as a battle of power but the athletic prowess comes out early too.  None more then when the two show off hurricanranas.  These two are two of the best power athletes in wrestling today.  Lashley starts to go back to his original and dominant style of wearing down Cage.  The slow pace doesn’t last long as Cage hits a front flip senton over the top rope.  During the middle of this match, it’s a stalemate.

Lashley goes to his power game as Cage continues with a more fast paced attack.  Walking Armaggedon shifts his attack to the right leg of Cage as he tries to slow him down.  Fans have to love the story of similar but different that was told within this match. Brian Cage fights back into this match with a springboard tornado DDT.  The match goes back into stalemate mode as one of these competitors tries to win this match.  Cage beats Lashley with not the Drill Claw but instead a discus lariat.  There was more in this match to even type up into a review better seen than read.