WWE WrestleMania 34: Who is the Real Mr. WrestleMania?
By Bryan Heaton
Total WrestleMania Appearances – Undertaker
Let’s narrow the list down a bit further – staying power in general. While it’s great to be at the top of the card for a long time, how about just being on the card at all? After all, it’s WrestleMania – whether opening the show or being in the main event, it should still be a pretty big deal to make an appearance outside of the battle royal, right?
Out of our list of 11 superstars, six have participated in 10 or more WrestleManias:
- The Undertaker, 25
- Triple H, 21
- Shawn Michaels, 17
- John Cena, 13
- tie – The Rock & Hulk Hogan, 11
Think of just how long your career would need to be in general just to have the chance to get on more than 10 WrestleManias, let alone actually doing it. There’s six other superstars who have done it with much less fanfare – Kane, Randy Orton, Chris Jericho, Big Show, Bret Hart, and Edge. Speaking of little fanfare, would you believe Kane has the most non-battle royal appearances at WrestleMania without ever being in the main event with 16? Crazy.
Anyway, there’s something to watch here in terms of overall WrestleMania appearances. Even if Taker shows up this Sunday, it’s unlikely to be an actual match. I’m firmly in the camp of “Undertaker’s retired, and he’ll show up to say so.” But Triple H has a match scheduled for this year, which brings his total to 22. If Taker is truly retired, there’s a reasonable assumption that Triple H can pass his record for most WrestleMania appearances. H is in phenomenal shape – thanks, part time schedule! – and saves himself for the one or two big matches a year.