WWE WrestleMania 34: Stars With The Most Momentum

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Photo Source: WWE.com via Twitter

4. Braun Strowman

Braun Strowman is on a roll now. He is unstoppable. Yes, we know that he is a totally unstoppable Monster Among Men. But Strowman is also literally unstoppable from a creative stand point. Here is a giant who can pull off even the wackiest dose of comedy and make you laugh so hard your drink goes up your nose.

If you weren’t laughing hard at the sight of Brains Strowman last night, then you probably weren’t paying attention. Once you’ve seen it, go back and re-watch it. Listen to every word that Strowman says. It’s really funny when you put it together with the way he speaks. By the time Strowman says “He’s a lot like me” I really can’t help it.

If you thought slamming people into the canvas is all that Strowman could do, then you are horribly mistaken. Am pretty sure nobody has forgotten that whole segment between Strowman and Elias. This is one Monster who is oozing with the same level of charisma when he is slamming people in the ring and when he is doing some nice cosplay.

As for Strowman’s match against the Bar, I really hope he wins the titles. As far as I am concerned, the only bit of intrigue surrounding the match is who will show up as Strowman’s partner. Will it be Elias? Samoa Joe? Big Cass? Or will it be James Ellsworth? Anything could happen at WrestleMania.