WWE WrestleMania 34: Daily DDT Staff Predicts Results

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Photo Source: WWE.com

Daniel Bryan & Shane McMahon vs. Kevin Owens & Sami Zayn

Jack Clayton: If Owens and Zayn win, they are reinstated to SmackDown Live. However, I don’t think they’re coming back. There’s no way that WWE is going to let Daniel Bryan lose in his return match. He will most definitely be tapping out one of the two, and we’ll see them make their return to Raw.

Bryan Heaton: Is there a way Daniel Bryan can win, but Shane McMahon loses? Because that’s what I want to see. I think there’s a distinct possibility of either Bryan or Shane turning on the other, leading to a win by Owens and Zayn.

Liam Hoofe: Having Owens and Zayn win, potentially with a Shane turn on Bryan, gives Bryan a nice program to help him adjust back to life in the ring. It also creates sympathy for the character and rallies the fans behind even more. Shane Vs Bryan at SummerSlam might not be the match everybody wants to see, but it makes sense to hold off on some Bryan’s dream matches until we know how he is holding up between the ropes. 

Christopher Jeter: This is a tough one. I can’t imagine WWE jobbing out Bryan in his first match back (actually I can, but that would be incredibly stupid to do). I also can’t imagine Owens and Zayn leaving SmackDown. Sure, they could just go back to RAW, but it feels too soon to move them again. Hmmmm. Since this is a Shane McMahon match, I expect a ref bump to occur so he can do his elbow off the announcers table and his Van Terminator with a trash can. I also expect that ref bump to give Zayn and Owens a chance to do something underhanded to pin Shane and get their jobs back. The heels should get their comeuppance, but WWE booked themselves into a corner with this convoluted storyline.

Trace Johnson: The six-month saga between these four will reach its climax at WrestleMania 34.  I could honestly see it going either way, but I’ll pick Bryan and Shane O’Mac to get the win and possibly send Owens and Zayn over to Raw in the process.

Joe Soriano: Daniel Bryan picks up the victory for his team, and the crowd is happy. I’m picking the boring option here, because it just feels right.