WWE WrestleMania 34: Daily DDT Staff Predicts Results

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Photo Source: WWE.com

WrestleMania Women’s Battle Royal

Jack Clayton: This match is actually a lot more important than anyone may think. That’s because it could give a WrestleMania victory to a woman superstar that absolutely needs it. And who else needs a WrestleMania victory more than Becky Lynch? For the past year, Lynch has been overlooked again and again. She was gone for a while to film a movie, but other than that has more or less taken beatings from others. SmackDown Live is doing nothing for her. But if she were to win the Battle Royal and move to Raw the next night, that would give her a great deal of momentum to go off on. She is incredibly talented, and that needs to be showcased. Of course she just needs the push, and the Women’s Battle Royal would be just that for her.

Bryan Heaton: I understand this one being on the Kickoff Show, but that doesn’t mean I’m not disappointed. The main, non-championship storyline in either Women’s Division is Sasha Banks vs. Bayley, but I don’t think either woman wins the match. I wouldn’t be surprised if history was made by someone unexpected, but iconic. Look for Peyton Royce to shock the world in this one.

Liam Hoofe: A match likely to be dominated by the ongoing story between Sasha and Bayley. The two women’s feud will likely prevent either of them from winning, so Becky Lynch becomes the next best bet. 

Christopher Jeter: There’s been no tangible build-up for the Women’s Battle Royal on SmackDown, but WWE built the match around Sasha Banks and Bayley’s issues on the RAW side. I imagine that those ladies will be the final two in the battle royal. I suspect that Bayley will eliminate some heels before Banks tosses her out from behind, adding some fuel to the burgeoning feud. WWE could pick someone else to win, but I think “The Boss” is the right call here. It would give her something hold over Bayley’s head, particularly if WWE turns Banks heel in the near future.

Trace Johnson: This is a nice addition to the WrestleMania card as it gives all the women a chance to get on the card.  As far as the winner goes, it could go to just about anybody.  I’ll go with Sasha Banks just with hopes of seeing her and Bayley’s recent feud close out the match. 

Joe Soriano: To me, there are three main options to win this: Sasha Banks, Bayley, and Becky Lynch. While Sasha and Bayley could have easily had a grudge match at WrestleMania after their incredibly put-together feud, I believe these two will eliminate each other at the end, allowing Becky to swoop in for her first defining victory since becoming the inaugural SmackDown Women’s Champion.