WWE WrestleMania 34: Daily DDT Staff Predicts Results

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Photo Source: WWE.com

Cedric Alexander vs. Mustafa Ali, Cruiserweight Championship

Jack Clayton: The Cruiserweight division has absolutely flourished during 2018. The tournament for the vacated Cruiserweight Championship has been one of the highlights of WWE recently, and that is mostly thanks to the two finalists. Mustafa Ali and Cedric Alexander have been two of the superstars who have been severely overlooked in the past year. Both are incredible in the ring. But in terms of character and booking, it is time for Mustafa Ali to rise to the top of the Cruiserweight division. 

Bryan Heaton: Can’t go wrong with either superstar here, so flipping a coin I have Cedric Alexander winning the title. It doesn’t matter who wins, because this one could be something special.

Liam Hoofe: It’s a shame this match has been relegated to the kick-off, as the Cruiserweight Championship tournament has made for excellent viewing. On the plus side, they met get a little more time on the pre-show. A win for Ali would be a fairytale ending for the tournament, but Alexander is the bigger star of the two to take the brand forward.

Christopher Jeter: As good as their match was on 205 Live was a couple of months ago, they have a chance to top it at WrestleMania. Alexander and Ali should have an entertaining match filled with great wrestling and tremendous athleticism, and I hope the stadium is at least half full by the time their match starts. I expect Alexander to score the win and the title. WWE established him as someone who doesn’t win big matches, so unless they plan on turning Alexander heel, I believe he cashes in and wins his first title in WWE.

Trace Johnson: 205 Live has finally been gaining momentum lately and that momentum should reach its apex at WrestleMania 34.  It could go either way, but I’ll pick Alexander to win the vacant Cruiserweight Championship.

Joe Soriano: I hope this match steals the show, because the Cruiserweight Tournament gave us some of the best matches in WWE this year. You can tell just how much the members of the division, from the wrestlers to GM Drake Maverick, care about making this brand special. Ali’s promos have allowed him to stand out, but he’s had the tougher road to the finals. And Cedric was supposed to take the title off of Enzo months ago. So I gotta take Alexander here.