WWE WrestleMania 34: Daily DDT Staff Predicts Results

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Photo Source: WWE.com

Sheamus & Cesaro (c) vs. Braun Strowman & ???, Raw Tag Team Championship

Jack Clayton: I know I’m not the only one, but I really don’t want Braun Strowman to have a tag team partner for his match at WrestleMania. That’s because I want him to win the titles on his own. For Strowman to win a title on his own would make for an excellent WrestleMania moment. And seeing Strowman as Tag Team Champions by himself is a fascinating idea. If I had to pick a tag team partner for him, I would love to see Neville return and have that great size difference. The two are talented enough though to be great champions. But aside from that, Strowman ought to make history as Tag Team Champions by himself.

Bryan Heaton: I’m getting myself hyped up for someone like Neville or Samoa Joe to be Braun Strowman’s partner. But really, I think Braun Strowman and Big Show are the safe bet, and they’ll win the titles – unless Braun does go it alone.

Liam Hoofe: I’m not expecting much of a match here and I think Braun deserves better than a comedy run with the tag-team titles. That being said, that same tactic has worked for others in the past (Daniel Bryan) so this could turn out to be a very smart booking move. The Bar have been excellent champions and I don’t think it will be long before they get the belts back.

Christopher Jeter: The intrigue lies with whoever Strowman’s mystery partner is. Is it a repackaged Bray Wyatt? Is it a returning Samoa Joe? Is it the great James Ellsworth? Whoever it is, I expect him and Strowman to walk away with the tag team titles considering that WWE has shown that Strowman can beat Cesaro and Sheamus by himself. If Strowman’s team does lose, his partner will almost certainly eat the pin, possibly leading to a singles feud down the line (depending on the partner). But I’ll take the the safe bet of Strowman and, say, Samoa Joe.

Trace Johnson: Braun Strowman is so good he can help create intrigue in a tag team title feud without having a partner.  Regardless of who his partner ends up being, I think Strowman will leave WrestleMania 34 as one-half of the Raw Tag Team Champions.

Joe Soriano: I have no idea who Braun‘s partner is going to be, but I’m pretty sure he’s winning the Raw Tag Team Titles before dropping them to the Authors of Pain.