WWE WrestleMania 34: Daily DDT Staff Predicts Results

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Photo Source: WWE.com

Randy Orton (c) vs. Bobby Roode vs. Jinder Mahal vs. Rusev, United States Championship

Jack Clayton: I don’t know if you know this, but WrestleMania actually falls on a holiday. That holiday of course is RUSEV DAY! So who else ought to win the United States Championship than the Bulgarian Brute? Rusev has yet to win at WrestleMania in his 4 years of being on the main roster. Not only that, but his Rusev Day gimmick has without a doubt been the most popular act on SmackDown Live, if not all of WWE. Rusev is already a 2-time United States Champion, and his previous two runs with the title were both very good. But if Rusev were to win the title at WrestleMania this year, the crowd would lose their minds. 

Bryan Heaton: Beloved American babyface military deserter Randy Orton defends the US Title against two dastardly Canadians and a Bulgarian hero. This is my snoozefest match of the night, and hopefully Rusev can pull some magic out of this one on Rusev Day.

Liam Hoofe: A victory for Rusev is what the fans want here, and while I’m not going to rule that out, Orton retaining is the way I suspect they will go. I have a feeling the company will move some of the titles around after WrestleMania, with Orton taking the US to Raw, and the Intercontinental Title moving to Tuesday nights.

Christopher Jeter: Well, I don’t think Mahal is winning, even though I think he could be a fun champion. Rusev has some momentum behind him, but I don’t think WWE truly wants to push him. I think it’s too soon to put the title back on Roode. So I’ll pick Orton to score the pin on Mahal to retain. Hopefully he can restore some of the luster that the U.S. Title lost when choke artist Dolph Ziggler decided he was too good for the belt (he isn’t).

Trace Johnson: The Viper won the United States Championship at Fastlane, but probably won’t keep it past WrestleMania.  It would be amazing to see Rusev get the win, so I’ll keep the dream alive and pick Rusev to win the title and make it RusevMania.

Joe Soriano: As much as I want Rusev to win, Randy Orton‘s probably retaining, and I’d pick him to swap places with Finn at the next Shakeup. I’ve been dying to see Randy on Raw.