WWE WrestleMania 34: Daily DDT Staff Predicts Results

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Photo Source: WWE.com

The Miz (c) vs. Seth Rollins vs. Finn Balor, Intercontinental Championship

Jack Clayton: Of all the matches on this year’s card that could steal the show, this one could very well be the best. Both Seth Rollins and Finn Balor are two of the best workers in all of wrestling right now, and Miz is no slacker either. But the question is who should walk out Intercontinental Champion? The best option is Seth Rollins. Not only would it make him the last member of the Shield to become a Grand Slam champion, it would be the best way to go into a feud with Shield brother Dean Ambrose down the road. Balor will be a champion down the road no doubt, and Miz is in no way hurt by this. So having Rollins win is what’s best for business.

Bryan Heaton: The Miz is the greatest Intercontinental Champion of all time, full stop. After his role in John Cena’s proposal last year, it’s time for Miz to get a big Mania win again.

Liam Hoofe: The Miz having to wait a while to break the record gives his character something to chase in the coming months, and Rollins is likely to return to the main event scene after Mania. Balor is the best choice to win this match, and as I suspect he will go to Smackdown in the draft.

Christopher Jeter: WWE has focused on Rollins and Balor so much, that I almost expect Miz to slink away with his title at Mania. With all the expected title changes on the show, having Miz retain could give his character something else to brag about. Plus, he has mentioned the longest combined days record or the IC Title, which means that he’ll probably break it in the near future (even though the record doesn’t make him look that good if you do the math). Balor and Rollins’ presence ensures that this match will be good. While Miz is far from a top-level worker, he can have compelling matches with the right talent. I would prefer Balor or Rollins to win so they can feud over the title (and feud with other top workers not in the Universal Title picture), but WWE will probably give Miz a cheap win to keep the gold.

Trace Johnson: It’s great to see the Intercontinental Championship get a marquee match at WrestleMania.  There will be several title changes at the show, so I think The Miz will survive and retain his title.

Joe Soriano: I think the Miz is going to take some time off now that he has a child, and I think Seth Rollins will move to the Universal Title picture. The WWE needs to see if Finn Balor can defend the title night in and night out, because they need to see if they can rely on him as a Universal Champion in the future. The pop would also be tremendous, and that includes the pop on the Raw after WrestleMania when he shows up with Karl Anderson and Luke Gallows by his side as the champion.