WWE WrestleMania 34: Daily DDT Staff Predicts Results

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Photo Source: WWE.com

The Usos (c) vs. The New Day vs. The Bludgeon Brothers, SmackDown Tag Team Championship

Jack Clayton: The New Day and the Usos have certainly had the best feud of the past year without question. Having stellar matches at both SummerSlam and Hell in a Cell, these two teams never disappoint. So it doesn’t seem likely they’ll disappoint at WrestleMania either. What’s interesting is that the New Day have yet to pick up a WrestleMania victory in their time as a team. It’s time for them to break that curse and become 5 time tag team champions. While the Bludgeon Brothers do seem a bit out of place in the match, it allows one of them to be pinned to keep the Uso’s momentum going.

Bryan Heaton: It’s too soon for The Bludgeon Brothers to win the titles – they’ve only just graduated back to “regular” opponents. The big story is the Usos finally getting a match on WrestleMania – I don’t think they’ll lose this one.

Liam Hoofe: Any of these three teams could feasibly win on Sunday night, and while The Usos deserve a win on the big stage, this feud has more mileage if the Bludgeons pick up the victory.

Christopher Jeter: WWE showed their fans how much they care about the tag team division when they used all three teams in a goofy WWE Network commercial on the go-home edition of SmackDown Live. If these teams get enough time, they could steal the show. I don’t think that the company wants to move the titles back on to New Day yet, and I think that the Usos are headed to RAW this summer, so I predict a Bludgeon Brothers win here. They should have a nice, lengthy run as the monster heel champs.

Trace Johnson: This match has the makings of being a potential show-stealer with some of the best tag teams in wrestling involved.  This is hard to choose, but I’ll say The Usos finally get a WrestleMania moment and retain their titles.

Joe Soriano: The Usos are the best tag team in the world today, and I think the WWE takes advantage of that by having them retain so they finally get their WrestleMania moment. And then they lose the titles to the Bludgeon Brothers in a regular tag match later.