WWE Superstar Shakeup 2018: Ranking The NXT Call-Ups By Fit

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7. No Way Jose

It never feels easy ranking somebody last on a list, but No Way Jose was the only real choice here. He’s had by far the least impressive record in NXT, and he hasn’t featured on NXT TV in months.

That isn’t necessarily a bad thing, because it also means that Jose has serious breakout potential. There isn’t a better fit for someone with his gimmick than Monday Night Raw, which has been the home of breakout performances from other wrestlers who have enjoyed far more main roster success than they did in NXT.

In some ways, Jose’s run on the main roster could be reminiscent of Elias’s. Both of them worked hard in NXT and developed interesting characters, but the smaller, more hardcore/wrestling-centric NXT Universe didn’t necessarily take to them as well. But on the main roster, Elias’s guitar work and singing has been a smashing success, to the point where he’s one of the crowd’s favorite characters to interact with during a live show.

Jose could become that kind of guy, and he’s honestly better than Elias in the ring, which can only help him. I’d keep a close eye on him, because he could have the crowd dancing and chanting “No Way Jose” in no time.

For him, the key will be finding the right balance between light-heartedness that infects the crowd and the type of seriousness that would allow him to be portrayed as a legitimate competitor. This is often times more difficult for babyfaces than heels, but Jose seems ready for the challenge on a three-hour show that seems more than ready to welcome his skill-set.