WWE Superstar Shakeup: 3 Potential Title Changes

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Photo Source: WWE.com via Twitter

3. The Authors of Pain Win The RAW Tag Team Titles

One annoying thing about the Superstar Shakeup is the fate of Cesaro and Sheamus. The four-time red brand tag champions announced Tuesday night that they’ll be heading for SmackDown. Theoretically that wouldn’t be a problem but when you take into account that they are scheduled to face Bray Wyatt and Matt Hardy for the vacant tag titles at The Greatest Royal Rumble on April 27th, the suspense of who will win that match is all but gone. There’s no way that Sheamus and Cesaro, now as members of the blue brand, will prevail. So what’s the point?

What should happen, in a perfect world at least, would be to have The Authors of Pain, the most dominant tag team in NXT history and now members of RAW after the shakeup, replace The Bar. However, even if that doesn’t happen, and Wyatt and Hardy take the straps on the 27th, AOP should be either at or near the front of the line for a shot at the titles. Their resume speaks for itself. With a 200-plus day title reign on NXT, Azam Rekar were the best team in what was a stacked division. They repeatedly bested the who’s who of the Full Sail University tag roster, knocking off teams like American Alpha, The Revival, and DIY. They’re very ready for the next step in their journey.

Let’s face it, with Cesaro and Sheamus leaving RAW, the red brand’s tag division pales in comparison to that of the Tuesday night one. That leaves Monday’s wide open for a new, dominant type team to take the reigns. AOP is exactly that and there’s a very real chance that they’ll win main roster gold sooner rather than later. Perhaps as soon as Backlash in May.