Impact Wrestling Redemption 2018 Match Predictions

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Sunday April, 22 is a big day for Impact Wrestling, because at 8 p.m. ET, the Redemption pay per view will begin. It will be a chance for Impact to showcase talent like Allie, Matt Sydal, and Austin Aries while showing wrestling fans that they have indeed changed for the better.

Over the past couple of months, Impact Wrestling has been arguably the most entertaining wrestling show on television. They have done a good job of building to Sunday’s “Redemption” Pay Per View in Orlando, Florida, and there are several title matches to look forward to.

Austin Aries will put his Impact World Championship on the line against Lucha Underground stars Pentagon Jr. and Rey Fenix. The trio had an absolute banger of a match at Wrestlecon in New Orleans a few weeks ago, so the only question is, just how good will their match on Sunday be?

Allie vs. Su Yung for the Knockouts Championship and Matt Sydal vs. Petey Williams for the X Division Championship should also be excellent. LAX vs. Eli Drake and Scott Steiner (no, that’s not a mistake) won’t be a wrestling clinic, but any match with Steiner on the card carries some sort of entertainment value.

That’s the common thread with Impact. Each of their segments on television carry some sort of entertainment value with them, even if some of them can be filed into the “miss” column. That makes me optimistic for the matches on Sunday at Redemption, because each one of them appears to be there to serve a distinct purpose.

So let’s predict the Impact matches on the Redemption card. Will there be any surprises in store for the fans on Sunday?