WWE Raw: Results, Highlights, Analysis, and Grades for April 23

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Photo Source: WWE.com via Twitter

And Now For Something Completely Different

In a 180-degree turn that would make a ballerina go batty, we follow up a tribute to Bruno Sammartino with the bi-annual appearance of Brock Lesnar. The current Universal Champion didn’t do much than his usual pacing early on. But Paul Heyman must have heard the rumblings that people were saying no one in WWE was a better promo than Samoa Joe, because the advocate brought his A-game tonight.

Heyman’s promo was equal parts fire and truth. It did what most great promos in the modern age do: blurred the lines between kayfabe and reality. It hit all the usual Brock boxes, like “mention UFC,” “Brock is rich,” and “[insert general description of maiming his upcoming opponent.” Maybe it went a bit too far when Heyman said Brock was sending Reigns home in multiple boxes. He’s Brock Lesnar, not John Gacy, man.

In the most baffling moment of all, Roman Reigns came down to the ring to show how confident he was heading into Friday’s championship match by, uh, not doing anything? Really? Reign’s promo was short, sweet, and sounded like it was delivered by a real human being, but it was pretty pointless. Remember when Jerry Lawler told CM Punk he’d think about accepting Punk’s challenge? This was the same thing, just without a 60-year-old man involved.

Hopefully the Greatest Royal Rumble will end the Lesnar/Reigns thing once and for all, and both guys can move on to something different. Having the feud drag out like this isn’t doing anyone any favors.