WWE Raw 5 Takeaways: New Raw Superstars Finding Their Footing

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Photo Source: WWE.com via Twitter

2. Dolph Ziggler And Drew McIntyre Could Be What Raw’s Tag Team Division Needs

Arguably no superstar in the WWE has needed a makeover of sorts more than Dolph Ziggler.  As a long-running member of the WWE, Ziggler has been in a strange situation over the past few months with no clear direction to be found.

However, the superstar shakeup gave The Showoff something to look forward to in the debut of Drew McIntyre to the red brand.  It appeared initially like the two would be together, and last night saw them perform as a tag team against Titus Worldwide.  Impressively, Ziggler and McIntyre got the win and would make an even bigger statement after the match.

Ziggler cut a passionate promo, but McIntyre’s promo was a show-stealer.  His mic work was outstanding and it ranks among the best promos of the year already.  These two were on fire last night and considering the makeup of the tag team division on Monday nights right now, they might be just what the doctor ordered.

Whether they’re going to be a tag team or not, Ziggler and McIntyre should have no problems standing out on Raw in the future.  But if they are going to be a full-fledged tag team, they will be a needed and welcomed addition to the division that has taken some hits lately.  It will be interesting to see what the WWE has in store for these two.

The Showoff has a shiny new toy of sorts in a seasoned and dominant McIntyre as an ally and it’s one of the most intriguing storylines on Monday nights already.