張り手の嵐!石井 VS @HenareNZ !
— NJPW WORLD (@njpwworld) April 24, 2018
今宵石井を倒し、@HenareNZ はワンステージ上に上がれるか⁉︎
視聴&登録▷https://t.co/NxJKtVK94f #NJPWWorld #njDONTAKU #NJPW pic.twitter.com/JIdxu8mHg8
Toa Henare vs. Tomohiro Ishii
I was really looking forward to this one. Ishii and Henrae hit each other really hard, which was all sorts of fun. Ishii worked a headlock for a few minutes, and then both men exchanged shoulder blocks before heading to the outside. Henare was sent into the guardrail by Ishii several times, causing Henare’s back to wish it was in New Zealand. Ishii continued to beat on Henare in the ring, making the young fella suffer. Henare didn’t catch a break, as Ishii locked in a Lion Tamer on Henare, trying to break the kid in half.
.@HenareNZ "Lariat"#NJPWWorld Watch now▶︎https://t.co/Tj7UBJ4PjP #njDONTAKU pic.twitter.com/xoc2Rzwdwr
— NJPW WORLD (@njpwworld) April 24, 2018
Ishii then killed him with chops and kicks. It looks like this is what Henare wanted though, as he’s been asking for this for weeks. Henare hit a brutal kick to the back, but Ishii no sold it, stood up, and chopped Henare in the throat multiple times. He then hit a brainbuster and went for another Lion Tamer. Henare escaped and hit a huge diving shoulder bloc and delivered a few massive chops to the throat of Ishii.
Henare hit a big Samoan Drop and went to the top rope and hit a diving shoulder block again. Ishii blocked a spear, and blocked a second one with a knee. Ishii then hit a German Suplex and then a second. A third German Suplex drove Henare into the mat. Ishii is having his way with the kid, as the ref considered stopping the match. Ishii shoved the ref away and hit a back suplex, getting a 2 count. Henare ate another chop and hit a popup Samoan Drop. As both men stood, they started to exchange strikes, slapping the crap out of each other.
Ishii "Lariat"#NJPWWorld Watch now▶︎https://t.co/Tj7UBJ4PjP #njDONTAKU pic.twitter.com/X5DPnVzhs4
— NJPW WORLD (@njpwworld) April 24, 2018
Henare hit a kidney shot, and like in real life, it took a few seconds for Ishii to sell it. That was so awesome. Henare hit a big spear, but Ishii kicked out. He followed this with a killer lariat, and Ishii kicked out again. Ishii managed to hit his sliding clothesline. Henare kicked out. Henare hit a spear, but Ishii barely kicked out. Ishii was taken down with a huge spear, but Ishii kicked out again. Ishii hit a massive lariat, then a brainbuster and managed to pin Henare. That was so great.
Result: Tomohiro Ishii
Rating: 4.25 stars out of 5
Holy crap, this match was incredible. You should definitely take the time to watch this one. Seriously. Stop reading this right now, and go watch this match. Even if you already saw it. Minimize this window, and go watch that match. Right now. I’ll wait.