Credit: Pro Wrestling EVE
One of two “International Dream Matches” scheduled for the day, this is a match that fans of women’s wrestling have been waiting for on pins and needles since it was announced. Kay Lee Ray may be best known to some as an entrant in the Mae Young Classic, but she’s one of the most accomplished wrestlers in the game today. She’s a high-flyer, a risk taker, and has more than earned her nickname of the Scottish Daredevil. She’s had amazing matches at Pro EVE as well as SHIMMER and ICW. Most recently, she had an incredible hardcore match with Dash Chisako that our team lost their collective minds over at #SHEvolution.
The opponent for this match, Meiko Satomura, may be the best professional wrestler working today. She’s been wrestling professionfor over twenty years and founded Sendai Girls, the joshi promotion that has given us talents such as Oedo Tai’s Kagetsu and the above-mentioned Dash Chisako. She’s known for her devastating finishers and incredible in-ring technical work, and has won titles ranging from Chikara’s King of Trios to the World of Stardom Championship. Lately we’ve seen Satomura hold her own against Io Shirai, Toni Storm and Pete Dunne.
Kay Lee called Satomura out at the end of #SHEvolution, asserting that while Satomura might be the best in the world, Kay Lee wants to prove she can be the best too. It’ll be a clash of skills, talent, and respect.
Harmony: The fact that EVE was able to book this says a lot for the promotion. It’s the kind of match up that women’s wrestling fans dream of. Sorry Kay Lee, but I’m Meiko all the way. Kay Lee Ray is amazing and I would probably have her as the winner in nearly any other match-up, but Meiko is just the boss and I’d be surprised not to see her win this one. That being said, it isn’t going to be an easy match for either of them. Given the endurance these women have shown in other matches I think this is going to be a grueling affair, and no matter who wins, we are going to see some amazing work in the ring. I almost want to just declare myself the winner just because I get to watch this. I just want to see Scorpion Rising live. Just once.
Joe: I will put Kay Lee Ray up there with almost any women’s wrestler on the planet right now. That’s how big of a fan I am of her work, and she really killed it at #SHEvolution. But yeah, how do you pick against Meiko Satomura? Hint: You don’t. You just don’t. It’s sacrilege. Why? Go watch her most recent match against Io Shirai.
We’re obviously mere mortals who are not worthy of witnessing this match, but somehow I’ll find a way to enjoy it (winks).