8. Elias (last week: 5)
Elias, sadly, continues to slide down in the rankings yet again. He’s still in quality spots on the show, and he still is one of the hot young talents to focus on as WWE moves forward. But a loss this week does hurt him just a bit, even if it was a result of 50/50 booking. Well, 67/33 booking, because Elias has a 2-1 advantage over Bobby Roode at present.
Also contributing to Elias taking a tumble this week: that Backlash segment that made the show run over time. I know it didn’t happen on Raw, but Backlash was a terrible show, and prolonging it at all was awful. So to tease a big Elias performance just for a series of interruptions and a Glorious DDT? Not cool.
7. Bobby Lashley (last week: 7)
Alright, the elephant in the room: how do I handle the Bobby Lashley situation? Honestly, I’m keeping him in the same spot he’s been in for three weeks running, just because the video introduction mitigated the abject disaster of the sit-down interview.
Sitting down to write this 24 hours after the fact, I still haven’t figured out what the hell the point of this was. I get that Lashley is meant to be a big deal, because the career retrospective treatment doesn’t go to just anyone. But having seen Roderick Strong and Finn Balor get absolutely wonderful segments in NXT detailing their lives, the Lashley one fell very flat.