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— ROH - Ring of Honor Wrestling (@ringofhonor) May 10, 2018
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Night one of the ROH War of the Worlds tour began with a stellar show that left the crowd wanting more.
While there was changes to the card that left the original main event of Dalton Castle vs. Matt Taven unable to happen, the crowd still got a good show.
— ROH - Ring of Honor Wrestling (@ringofhonor) May 9, 2018
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The Briscoes vs. Flip Gordon & Jushin Thunder Liger
Flip and Mark start the match with some basic tag team action, and Flip dodges several attacks with his kick up. After that, Liger and Jay were tagged in. Liger went for a surfboard stretch, but Mark cut him off and the crowd booed. Liger was having none of that, and went right after Jay again. It wasn’t long before Mark and Jay started to get the heat on Liger.
Liger was able to hit an inverted atomic drop on Jay and tagged in Flip who “flipped” a lot and ran wild. Flip went for a 450 Splash, but Mark dodged. Gordon hit an inverted fireman’s carry and then a standing shooting star press. Flip hit a 450 on Mark, and almost got the three, but Jay made the save. Jay Briscoe pulled a Toru Yano and Shinsuke Nakamura, and low blowed both Liger and Flip.
Flip kicked out, and the Briscoes caught him on the top rope. Mark set him up for an avalanche Razor’s Edge from the middle rope. Jay jumped up as Mark went to hit it, and hit a neckbreaker on Flip! The Brisoces get the pinfall. What a finish.
Result: The Briscoes
Rating: 3.25 stars out of 5
Deonna Purrazzo & Skylar vs. Tenille Dashwood & Sumie Sakai
Purrazzo and Sakai start the match with an exchange of holds that was quite fun to watch. The crowd then popped when Dashwood was tagged in, and she and Skylar start to exchange holds. Dashwood tagged out and Sumie hit a flying cross body on Skylar. Afterwards, Skylar tagged out, and Sumie hit a chop from Mongolia on her.
It broke down to an exchange of big moves between all 4 women as Deonna dropkicked Sumie, Sumie dropkicked Deonna, Skylar hit a knee strike on Sumie, and Dashwood hit the spotlight on Skylar for the pinfall!
Result: Tenille Dashwood & Sumie Sakai
Rating: 2.5 stars out of 5
After the match, Kelly Klein attacked Deonna after the match and both women had a pull apart brawl. They’re going to wrestling on the War of the Worlds show in Chicago next weekend.