WWE 5 Burning Questions: Is It Rusev Day Yet?

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2. Can Jinder Mahal finally get the fans to cheer for Reigns?

Obviously, this is what creative is trying to achieve with Mahal. Whatever your thoughts are about Mahal and his push, it can’t be argued that he is an excellent heel. Mahal has an innate ability to generate heat and even his in-ring style speaks volumes about it. Now that the former WWE champion has moved on from the typical foreign villain persona and has encapsulated a fine heel persona, he looks much better.

This week, Mahal would interfere in the main event, thereby costing Roman Reigns his spot in the Money in the Bank ladder match. We are yet to see if Mahal gets a qualifying match next week. But one thing is for sure. Reigns won’t just sit around in the back. I predict Reigns to interfere in the match and thereby kick-start a fresh new feud.

Of course, creative would be hoping that the fans would cheer for Reigns whilst booing Mahal. I mean nobody would turn on Reigns to cheer for Jinder Mahal at this point in time. But what if the crowd decides to not invest themselves in the match/feud at all? A silent crowd does more damage than a rowdy crowd.

Regardless am positive that a vocal portion of the fans would cheer on as Reigns lays his hands on Sunil Singh. It makes you wonder how things would have panned out if both Samir and Sunil Singh were there.

Can Mahal finally get the job done? If so, I would call him an elite heel in the WWE.