Money in The Bank could be a big opportunity for Sami Zayn. So why should he get a shot at the briefcase?
Money in the Bank is my favorite goofy WWE plot device. A magic briefcase that lets a wrestler challenge for a title opportunity any time they want to? Yes please. It’s a hell of a lot less predictable or convoluted than the typical path to a WWE title, and it introduces a fun element of suspense into any title defense. In the hands of the right wrestler, an MITB briefcase really is a game changer. Just ask Seth Rollins.
This is why I was disappointed to see one of my favorite wrestlers lose their chance at the briefcase. In the first round of qualifying MITB matches, Sami Zayn ate a pin from Finn Balor. As it stands (and of course, the card is always subject to change), Zayn has officially missed his shot and will not be competing for the briefcase in June. The best chance Sami has to appear at Money in the Bank at this point would be a singles match with Bobby Lashley, the continuation of an out-of-nowhere feud that is doing neither of them any favors.
Now, I love Finn, and I’d be happy to see him win a title. But I don’t want him to win the briefcase. I also think WWE is missing a huge chance to revitalize and give direction to some major plotlines, and give a spotlight to a talent that deserves it. Money in the Bank is a unique opportunity, and there is nobody on the roster better suited to seize that opportunity than Sami Zayn.