Five ways the WWE missed the boat with Roman Reigns

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Roman Reigns is the man tapped to lead the way for this generation of WWE superstar. Unfortunately, he’s continued to struggle to get over as the top man in the organization.

It’s hard to talk to someone about professional wrestling today and not get into a debate about the man known as Roman Reigns. The multiple-time champion has been at the center of controversy during his run atop the WWE. There’s a large swath of fans that continue to push back every time WWE Creative attempts to mold Reigns into the top figure of this generation. Time and time again Reigns is positioned in opportunities with the hopes of getting him a positive reaction from fans, but it seems like those situations continue to fall short.

With more than six years on the WWE main roster, it’s clear that the WWE has something special in Roman Reigns. He has the look and the physical presence of an individual that can be built into a professional wrestling star. Whether you love him or not, Reigns puts on mostly positive matches and have a list of standout examples on his resume.

Yet, there seems to be more complaints about Reigns than there is praise for the former professional football player. With that in mind, it’s time to look back at Reigns run in the WWE and pinpoint exact moments in which WWE Creative made a misstep that has hampered his growth into the biggest product of this generation.