WWE 5 Burning Questions: What Are Samoa Joe’s Odds Of Winning MITB?

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4. What’s next for Elias?

Elias had been feuding with Bobby Roode for quite some time now. After multiple clean wins over the former United States Champion, one can safely assume this feud is over. Hopefully. This brings out the next question. What’s next for the Drifter?

Elias has really took off after being moved up to the main roster. The fans love it when he comes out and despite their best attempts to cheer for him, Elias always comes out with inventive ways to ensure he is booed. His concerts are becoming more and more solid and as a performer, he has it act perfected. Elias need to be doing more meaningful things on the main roster now.

He could potentially be pushed to chase the Intercontinental title had Seth Rollins not been setting the place on fire with it every week. The IC title needs to stay with Rollins at this point. As such, Elias feuding with him to no avail will not be beneficial for the Drifter. What else can he do at this point then?

He can’t possibly be thinking about going after the Universal title. What can creative bring up then? A face turn? That sounds like a neat idea considering how popular he is becoming. But sooner or later, creative will have to ensure he stays focused on a goal rather than feuding with someone without purpose or direction.

Time for creative to do some magic and bring out a meaningful feud for Elias even without any gold on the line.