Roman Reigns has been the face of WWE for the better part of the past four years, and a big part of that has been the headlining of WrestleMania each of those years as well as John Cena moving to a part-time role. Yet the lack of support from the WWE Universe for Reigns over that stretch has begged the question, could WWE have gone another route?
Before fans of Roman Reigns get riled up, I will admit that I do like The Big Dog. Reigns is a quality main event performer, who will be with the WWE for likely the next decade.
Yet, it is obvious that Reigns being the top babyface or the “champion of the people” at this moment is not working. In the time that Reigns has been shoved down the WWE Universe’s throats, he could have had a couple year long heel run and turned back into a credible babyface.
The term “polarizing” gets used to cover up the fact that a top babyface is not getting over with the crowd, while at the same time justifying the reason why that superstar is being pushed. There are other babyfaces that are lower on the card from Reigns who are receiving more consistently positive reactions. So forget polarizing, the key of a babyface is to get cheered.
The absence of a top babyface that the fans can get behind has been WWE‘s biggest issue in three of the past four WrestleMania main events. Let’s take a look at some clear alternatives that the WWE Universe would have supported in those years.