WWE Money In The Bank 2018: Which Match Should Main Event The PPV?


This year’s Money in the Bank hosts a lot of potential main event matchups, but only one can close out the show, so which should it be.

Normally, when we have cobranded PPVs, one of the World title matches would close the show out. However that wasn’t the case for the last PPV, Backlash.

So, any match is fair game to close out a PPV in today’s WWE, and it is pretty difficult to choose just one with all of the star power on the Money In The Bank match card.

We could have AJ Styles and Nakamura close it out in what looks to be the end of their rivalry with a Last Man Standing Match for the WWE Championship. Or, since the PPV is named Money In The Bank, and the ladder match closed out the show last year, we could have either of the ladder matches main event the show again this year.

OR we could really harp on this whole Women’s Evolution thing and give Asuka and Carmella the spotlight, or we could cash in on a Ronda Rousey appearance and close out the show with her first singles match against Nia Jax.

And, of course, we always have to take into consideration The Big Dog. Roman Reigns main evented Backlash with Samoa Joe last month, and he could do the same with Jinder Mahal this year.

So, as fans, we should be really excited for all of the potential matches, especially the Money In The Bank Ladder matches. They should be fast paced, exciting, adrenaline pumping matches, which is why I️ think both are better fits as opening and midcard acts. They would get the crowd hot early on and get them back into the show once the second or third hour rolls around. While the PPV may be called Money in the Bank, I don’t expect either of the matches to main event.

As for the possibility of a Roman vs. Jinder main event, I️ think that idea is just absolutely ludicrous. After the poor reception Reigns got at ‘Mania and people walking out of his main event clash with Samoa Joe, WWE would have to be insane to put Reigns in the main event in front of a hostile Chicago crowd and expect positive results. So that idea is definitely not an option.

Credit: WWE.com

Both Women’s Title matches, however, have good reason to be in the main event. Asuka is a proven commodity of the Women’s Division, and Ronda is a mainstream star. The only problem is that there are too many inexperienced wrestlers involved here. Carmella is still getting her footing as a champion, Nia is still pretty green in the ring, and Ronda hasn’t even had her first singles match yet.

The risk far outweighs the reward here as the Chicago crowd could easily turn on either of these matches if things start to get messy with botches, and it certainly wouldn’t be a good look for WWE’s supposed Women’s Evolution.

So, that leaves us, by process of elimination, AJ Styles vs Shinsuke Nakamura for the WWE Championship in a Last Man Standing match as the main event of Money In The Bank. This has been a long time coming for these two, and they are deserving of the spotlight at Money In The Bank.

Source: WWE.com

At WrestleMania, despite Nakamura winning the Royal Rumble, the WWE Championship didn’t main event. At Backlash, fresh off a Nakamura heel turn, the WWE Championship didn’t main event. But, with Styles and Nakamura seemingly at the last chapter, or at least the climax, of their feud, there is no better time for them to close out the show.

AJ and Shinsuke were holding back their first couple of encounters, but now with the stakes the highest in a Last Man Standing Match, those two can finally put it all in the ring and absolutely tear each other and the house down.

Also, the Last Man Standing stipulation adds a lot of intrigue to the aftermath of their match. Both competitors will obviously be worn down, and the winner will likely just barely escape a ten count, so what better time for a Money In The Bank winner to cash in and steal the WWE Championship?

We could see the cowardly Miz sneak in to pin AJ after a big win, or Joe could assert his dominance by utterly destroying an already broken down winner, or we could even get a huge pop by having Rusev come in to attempt a cash in.

Photo by WWE’s Twitter

There are so many options to tease or go through with a cash in on this match, but it would virtually be impossible unless it is the main event of the PPV.

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So, after building such a long and heated rivalry over the WWE Championship, AJ And Shinsuke deserve their blowoff match to main event, and this could also lead to some exciting aftermath.