ROH Wrestling Episode 350: Results, Grades, and Analysis

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Austin Aries (Impact Wrestling World Champion) vs. Silas Young (c) – ROH World Television Championship

Aries, the belt collector, has returned to ROH to try and claim another belt that he hasn’t won yet. Aries has held the ROH World Championship twice, the first ever 2-time ROH World Champion. He faces off against Silas Young, the fourth ever 2-time ROH television champion. Young and Aries are sure to have an awesome match here. Silas Young found a fan dressed as Chris Jericho and called him “Fat Jericho,” and told the person that came with him that she should have been ashamed of herself. So awesome.

Silas threw his T-Shirt at Aries, but Aries caught it and threw it to the outside of the ring. Aries went for the Last Chancery right away, but Silas went out of the ring to escape. Both men exchanged some pinfall attempts that ended when Silas flung snot in Austin’s face. After an exchange of basic holds, Aries sent Young to the outside of the ring. Silas came back into the ring, hit a shoulder block, and then flung his sweat onto Aries. That was gross.

Aries then knocked Silas down and picked him up by the chest hair. Yikes. Young fell to the outside of the ring after having his head driven into the turnbuckle several times. Aries went for a suicide dive, but Young cut him off. After a return from an ad break, Aries was sent flying into one of the guardrails.

Back in the ring, both men exchanged a series of strikes and neither man were able to get a clear advantage. Silas went for a dragon suplex a few times, but seemed unable to hit it. Aries ran around the ring while in the full nelson and was able to send Silas flying to the outside of the ring. Aries hit a neck breaker through the second rope and followed up with a suicide dive. Austin Aries hit a missile dropkick, and got a 2 count.

Aries went for his corner dropkick and Silas countered with a huge boot the face while Aries was horizontal in midair. That was crazy. Silas Young went for Misery, but Aries kept blocking it. Aries went for a brainbuster to the outside, but Silas blocked. Austin Aries hit a Death Valley Driver on the apron! He rolled Young back into the ring, but only got a 2! Aries went for the corner dropkick again, but Silas caught him, hit a fireman’s carry and went for the Pee Gee Waja Plunge, but Aries got his foot on the ropes!

Young went to hit Aries with his title belt, but the ref blocked it. Aries locked on the Last Chancery while Silas was distracted. He almost tapped out! Silas made it to the ropes. Aries grabbed his Impact or Defy championship and went for a shot with it. Silas rolled Aries up, but Aries kicked out. Both men exchanged hard forearms, and Silas went for Misery again, but the ref got bumped! Aries hit the corner dropkick and went for the 450 splash! The Beer City Bruiser ran down to try and stop him, but Kenny King ran down and stopped Mr. Beer. While everyone was down, King hit Young with the ROH Television title! Aries pinned Young! Aries is the new TV Champion!

Wait! Todd Sinclair, the ROH Head Referee ran down and told Paul Turner that King interfered and reversed the finish. Aries was DQ’d! Wow. Aries kicked Todd Sinclair between the legs, and the crowd chanted “You deserve it!” towards Sinclair, which was funny. Aries then low blowed Kenny King, hit a brainbuster, and locked in the Last Chancery on him! The planned Jay Lethal promo was delayed, as they stayed with the beating that Aries laid on King. The show closed with Aries leaving with all his titles. You have to think this is going to lead to a match between King and Aries soon.

Result: Silas Young (via DQ)

Rating: 3.5 stars out of 5

This was decent match that turned awesome by the end. Both men paced themselves in the early portions, but as soon as it came time to turn up the heat, they were all over it. Solid match. I would love to see Aries win an ROH title as a part of his Belt Collector gimmick.

Next: Impact Wrestling: First Ever Women's Casket Match

Final Thoughts

Show Rating: 2.75 stars out of 5

A perfectly watchable episode of ROH Wrestling that saw two great angles, one good match, and one decent one. The Cody/Scurll promo at the start was easily the best part of the show, while the angle to close the show was great too. Aries and Young was a match I expected to be better than it was, and the Dusty finish was a little unsatisfying, but it served a purpose as it actually advanced the story rather than delayed it. Solid episode, and worth your time if you haven’t watched it. It can be found On Demand via the Fite TV app, and on Honor Club.