Source: WWE.Com
Drew Gulak Vs Lince Dorado
Result: Drew Gulak wins with the gu-lock
Grade: C+
The feud between The Lucha House party and the trio of Drew Gulak, Brian Kendrick and Jack Gallagher has dominated the opening segments of 205 Live for the best part of a month now, and after this week’s bout, which Gulak won, it looks as though it will continue for at least a little bit longer.
Gulak and Dorado put on a solid match, with Dorado started to get more aggressive in the ring as The Luchas are clearly becoming more affected by Gulak’s antics.
Gulak himself has now made all three members of The Lucha party submit with the gu-lock, and while Kendrick may have helped him a little bit here, he will come out of this feud as one of the hottest members of the 205 Live roster.
TJP addresses Drake Maverick
Another character who is on the rise on 205 Live is TJP. The inaugural Cruiserweight champion (in its current carnation) has been on a role on the mic in recent week, as he continues to call out 205 Live GM Drake Maverick for not giving him bigger matches.
He took to the microphone again this week and once again demanded some real competition as he walked to the ring for a match against yet another enhancement talent.
When he got in the ring, he mocked his opponent, which led to the jobber taking a pop at TJP. That didn’t last long though, as TJP locked him in a knee-bar until officials dragged him off.
This was a great segment, TJP has been excelling in recent weeks and hopefully, this leads to some sort of match with Drake Maverick over the Summer.